Three tips for safely operating a car lift in an industrial facility


Many car manufacturers have car lifts in their facilities. Here are three safety tips which employees of such facilities should keep in mind when using this piece of equipment.

Do not exceed the lift's maximum weight limit

Most car lifts have a maximum weight limit. When an employee is tasked with using a car lift to transport a vehicle from one part of a facility to another, it is important for them not to overload the lift to the point where the equipment's weight limit is exceeded.

Overloading a lift of this kind could be very dangerous, as it could result in the lift crashing to the ground. The impact could not only damage the lift itself and the vehicle inside it but could also result in pieces of the equipment breaking off, becoming airborne and subsequently striking nearby employees. Being struck by shards of sharp, heavy metal components could leave these individuals with serious injuries.

As such, employees of facilities that have car lifts must be made aware of these lifts' maximum weight limits. Large signs which state the exact limits of a lift should be placed on its doors and electronic weight sensors should be installed in the lift (to alert employees when they have overloaded it).

Watch out for signs of faults

Employees should be encouraged to watch out for signs of faults within this equipment, and to notify their managers if or when they notice any such faults so that the necessary repairs can be made.

This will help to ensure that any defects which could eventually cause the lift to break down are dealt with long before they pose a risk to the safety of those who operate the lift.

Some of the things that employees should watch out for include unusual noises, changes to the speed at which the lift moves up or down, or issues with the equipment suddenly stopping midway through the lifting process.

Be careful when cleaning the lift

Car lifts need to be cleaned on a regular basis. However, it is important for the person performing this task to be careful about the way in which they approach this activity.

Solvent-based cleaning products, for example, should be avoided at all costs. The reason for this is that these products tend to be highly abrasive and could potentially damage some of the equipment's important components. This damage could potentially result in the lift malfunctioning while it is in use.

Cloths soaked in a solution of water and mild detergent should be used for washing the floors and the walls of the lift (most lifts are made from materials such as stainless steel or aluminium, which not rust when exposed to water).

However, the employee carrying out this task should avoid using these water-soaked cloths on or close to the lift's electrical panels or buttons, as this could not only lead to them being electrocuted but could also cause the lift's electrical system to short circuit and break down. 


17 December 2017

A New Way To See An Old Building

Factories are amongst our most underrated buildings, but they not only have a style and design sense all of their own--they also hold important clues to the history of the areas they're in, and each one can tell a fascinating story. In this blog I'll be highlighting some of my favourite factories around the world to discuss their architecture, what they produce, their history and what they tell us about their local areas and communities. I'll also be getting into the nitty-gritty from time to time, as it turns out that the inside world of industry is more riveting than you might imagine!